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Club Penguin Banning Their Own Players?

Hey penguins. I went onto a CP blog today and they posted about this weird neck glitch, or misplaced item glitch. Here is what they had to say:

I got some bad news. Club Penguin has recently released items in the catalog. Today while I was looking at my items I saw that there were some items misplaced:
When I clicked the item I just got banned out of nowhere:
When I saw that I just tought it was a bug and I could get back in cp, but when I went to log in again I was ban for 72 hours:
I got banned for 72 hours! Club Penguin is eather having a big glitch or its getting hacked! I highly recomend you guys to NOT Log in club penguin because you can get banned! I highly recomend to stay of club penguin for a couple of day! Let us know in the comments of your toughts!
Weird right? This post came from: http://theclubpenguincheats.com/ Comment on what you think..

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